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For the Clan Page 12

  Cayra stepped back. "I'm not going to split you up because you two seem so right, like it was meant to be. Your relationship came first, and it's real. Honest. You bring out things in each other people don't see, but I do. I just want to know where I fit in all of it." Her gaze fell. "I want to know if I could fit in or if it's just your own private world. I can't tell if I'm the outcast here."

  Jace had heard enough.

  "Cay, don't. Please don't." Jace took her hand. "You're not an outcast. You belong here, I swear."

  "And I love you for it. Still I wonder."

  Right then, Jace wanted to hold her and never let go. He didn't want to deny her. If it would soothe the desperate, pleading gaze, he'd do anything for her.

  But he wasn't the only one she was asking.

  "Roan?" Jace whispered. He couldn't tell what Roan thought. Even with his eyes uncovered, Roan's expression was too jumbled to decipher. The whole time Cayra spoke, Roan hadn't made a sound. Nor had he moved. If anything, he resembled a statue: nice to look at but devoid of life.

  Cayra's shoulders slumped before she straightened and lifted her chin. "Forget it. I said what I came to say. I just needed to tell someone who wouldn't judge me. But since it's done, just pretend I didn't say anything. Go back to whatever you were doing. I've got someplace else to be anyway." She turned towards the tent flaps.

  "Wait," Roan said, snatching her arm.

  They fell silent. Roan stared at the ground. None of them moved.

  Roan lifted his gaze, catching Jace's. "Just… wait." Slowly Roan pulled Cayra back to the space between him and Jace before wrapping his hand around the back of her neck. The corners of his eyes softened. "I can't promise you I'll be any good at it. I can't promise you'll get what you're looking for. But I'm willing to give it a try, just once, for Jace's sake."

  Without tearing his glance from Cayra, Roan pointed at Jace. "He's practically ready to tear our clothes off and take us both at the same time." Roan curled his other hand around her neck. "But maybe it's because I owe you for not throwing both of us out like other women would've. And maybe," he whispered, "just maybe, it's because I'm starting to care for you."

  When Roan's lips met Cayra's, Jace's heartbeat skittered to a stop. Jace fought to breathe, managing a shallow breath the longer they kissed. Cayra sighed and leaned into Roan, gripping Roan's shirt while she pulled him closer.

  The sight of them together crammed Jace's mind with more images than he could sift through. He wanted their bodies against his; their hands on him and his hands on them. Cayra had screamed Jace's name a thousand times. Would she scream Roan's, too? Just the idea of her and Roan coming together was enough to harden Jace's body until his muscles ached.

  Then Cayra pulled off Roan's shirt and threw it aside.

  She threw part of Jace's sanity with it.

  The ache worsened, pulling on Jace's insides as if everything was knotting. Cayra raked Roan's chest and teased his nipples before gliding her palms over his rib cage. How many times had she raked Jace's chest, leaving the same trail of lines in the skin? How much did Roan want her mouth on him, sucking his skin between her lips? How long could Jace merely watch them?

  Roan's fingers crept up Cayra's back, sneaking the fabric of her tank top upwards. In seconds, he pulled the top off and tossed it before kissing her again. He snaked one hand around her bare shoulder to caress her back. With one finger, he motioned for Jace to join.

  And it starts.

  Jace yanked off his shirt, nearing Cayra slowly. When he was close enough, Roan's fingertips grazed Jace's chest, drawing him closer. His skin pressed to Cayra's, trapping Roan's hand between Jace's chest and Cayra's back. Jace cupped Cayra's breasts, delighting in how her muscles contracted. She arched into Jace and pulled Roan closer by the waistband of his pants, her hips rubbing Roan's groin, seeking more.

  "Is this what you wanted?" Jace whispered, his bottom lip catching her earlobe, breathing in the mild lavender fragrance clinging to her skin. He caressed her nipples, the fullness of her breasts overfilling his hands. He'd held her this way enough times that he'd lost count, but somehow this reminded him of the first time.

  "Yes," Cayra hissed.

  Roan's lips trailed down her cheek to her neck, nipping her skin before sucking hard. Cayra whimpered and unzipped Roan's pants as if competing with Roan—or punishing him.

  Jace stopped her before she could push Roan's pants down. Gently, Jace positioned her hands on Roan's hips. Covering her hands with his, Jace coaxed her fingers and the pants downwards. They'd gotten into this together; he intended to get through it the same way.

  "I see how it's going to be," she murmured, turning to kiss Jace before he could think of a reply.

  Fingers slipped down to Jace's crotch. He moaned against Cayra's lips, drinking in the sweet taste of peaches with a hint of raspberry. Roan's fingertips danced along the inside of Jace's waistband, seeking entry and tickling Cayra at the same time.

  Cayra giggled lightly and turned back to Roan, guiding Jace's grasp to Roan's erection. Together, Cayra and Jace held Roan's hardened shaft, their fingers dipping into crevices and caressing the tightening skin. Roan moaned as Cayra kissed him hard and toyed with the head of Roan's cock. Jace's hand was caught between them, stroking Roan. It was more than Jace could fathom. The three of them, moving together, exchanging moans and sighs he never expected they could share.

  And all she had to do was ask.

  Jace released Roan. The husband in Jace needed to touch Cayra, to know how it affected her. Did she want Roan's touch as much as she desired Jace's? Was she getting what she needed? Did denial have anything to do with it?

  Not one to waste curiosity, Jace snuck his hand into her skirt. Fingertips creeping down her belly, he savoured her shudders before slipping his fingers over her moist clit and inside. Cayra whimpered and ground against him, riding the rhythm of his hand. Of the three of them, Cayra's laboured breaths were the loudest, outdone by her low moans demanding more.

  Jace met Roan's smile with his own. Maybe there was something to their relationship they'd overlooked.

  Roan discarded the rest of his clothes. Without warning, Roan stripped Cayra bare and winked, gesturing for Jace to turn her around.

  A dozen questions drifted through Jace's mind, all of them for Roan. Although he hadn't appeared certain in the beginning, Roan seemed to be directing the entire situation.

  Cayra had no idea how lucky she really was.

  Together, Jace and Roan encouraged Cayra to turn her back to Roan. Jace fell to his knees, breathing in her musky scent. To see her naked skin caressed by the man he cherished changed everything, as if they'd gone back to the first time Jace made love to Cayra. The thrill of the exploration fed his curiosity and hunger. In ten years of marriage, they'd touched each other in every way they could, teasing and experimenting. Their playfulness was exceeded only by dreams where the impossible was possible. Now every possibility was fresh. Each opportunity to go deeper was exciting, feeding on three desires seeking release.

  Jace caught Roan's hand, squeezing reassuringly before leading it downwards. Roan took the hint and slid his fingers between Cayra's legs. When she arched into Roan, Jace clutched her hips and leaned in. His tongue sought her swollen clit through the wet titian curls, darting over her. While his lips caressed her vaginal lips, he lapped Roan's knuckles.

  In a single breath, Jace thrust his tongue against her sex and sucked Roan's fingertip into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the sensitive skin.

  Roan and Cayra cried out together, grappling to hold onto one another. Jace pulled back, swallowing back a laugh at their combined shudder. It couldn't have worked any better if he'd planned it. Flicking his glance upwards, Jace caught Roan's glare.

  If Roan wanted an apology, he wasn't going to get it.

  "Roan," Cayra whispered, curling her arm around Roan's neck. She held Jace close with her other hand, raking his hair. "Take me, like you do him."

  Roan ki
ssed her shoulder, his bottom lip dragging up her neck to her earlobe. "Cayra—"

  She ground her hips against Roan's erection. "Wouldn't be my first time." A moan interrupted her smirk as Jace's fingers slipped into her. "He likes doing it from behind." Cayra snapped Jace's chin up. "And you're still dressed."

  Jace wiped his face and stood. His pants were undone and down in a matter of seconds, no match for Cayra's hands. Before he could tell what was happening, she removed the rest of his clothes and pulled him against her.

  Her lips lingered over his. "You, bed, now."

  "Yes, ma'am," Jace whispered before licking her lips. He'd go wherever she wanted him to; do whatever she demanded. Even though her gaze no longer begged, the clouded, needy expression remained. Never could he have guessed how important it would be to her, being here like this with him. This was what she wanted, and he wouldn't rob her of it.

  Jace scrambled across the mattress. He grabbed the small canister of lubricant from beside the bed and placed it on the mattress. Cayra knew what to expect, especially since she had made the lubricant. The three of them would smell of sex laced with vanilla and mint all night. Not that he'd complain. It just meant he'd wake in the morning wanting to lose himself in Cayra and Roan over and over again.

  Lying back, Jace waited for Cayra to crawl across the bed towards him. Her slow, deliberate movements reminded him of a cat stalking her next meal.

  Devour me. Take it all.

  She stopped between his knees, her hands on either side of his ribs, his thighs resting against hers. Her mouth worked up his chest to his chin, where her lips claimed his without resistance. Still on her knees, she arched into him, her hips and bottom rising higher. Their bodies pinned his cock between their stomachs, his arousal demanding attention. Cayra swayed, opening her knees wider and propping Jace's legs open.

  Behind her, Roan crept up on his knees and glided both palms over Cayra's back, then down her body to Jace's. Slow and questing, Roan's dry fingers danced along Jace's thigh, nearing his balls.

  Roan's hands pulled away, partially disappointing Jace. He could imagine what those sensitive fingertips would've done had they slipped further.

  Almost immediately, Cayra tore her lips from Jace and trembled.

  Where were Roan's hands?

  Jace reached between Cayra's legs, stopping as he discovered Roan's knuckles. Roan stroked Cayra under Jace's touch before slipping inside her. When Roan drew away, Jace's fingers followed as far as he could manage without moving Cayra. Roan's fingers traveled up between Cayra buttocks, massaging the entrance there.

  Cayra bit her bottom lip, her hips rocking with the gentle rhythm of the caress. A potent, tingling fragrance of mint with a toasted vanilla chaser wafted around them. Roan rose on his knees, one hand on Cayra while his other closed into a fist for several moments. Once he opened his hand again, he rubbed the lubricant between her legs and bottom cheeks. Her sigh drowned in a moan as Cayra pushed back onto Roan's hand, her head lifting then rolling. Roan's fingers were inside her just as they'd been in Jace.

  The memory of Roan in him made Jace's heart race. He knew what she would be feeling: the pressure of determined fingertips stretching the skin rather than tearing through. A kind and loving touch, offering prolonged satisfaction instead of painful, quick moments that would leave her wanting. Despite everything Roan had been through, Roan wasn't the rough, insensitive man people expected him to be. While his body had been assaulted, he was careful with the bodies of others, generous and attentive.

  And now Cayra knew it, too. Moments later, she also knew what it was like to have Roan's cock in her.

  Cayra cried out and buried her face in Jace's neck. "Yes," she hissed. They rode Roan's rhythm together, her belly grazing the tip of Jace's erection.

  Jace gripped the sheet as pre-cum warmed his stomach. Damn it! It won't be long before I come. Damn you, Jace seethed, glaring at Roan. Cayra's flexing body teasing his was one thing, but Roan thrusting into her forced Jace's need further. All of it tested his strength, taunting his ability to keep from finishing before they'd reached climax. He had to keep fighting.

  Ignoring the slick mess pooling on his skin, Jace thrust his fingers into her. The mint scent faded, overcome by the scent of them. Cayra jerked forward and whimpered. Her orgasm came in a milky rush.

  Fully invested in ensuring she remembered the night, Jace kneaded her skin, riding her rhythm. Through stolen glances at Roan's face, Jace watched Roan's lips part to take shallow breaths. They were together in this, the three of them working together to a common end. Just the idea of being together again left Jace shivering. Three people meant new experiences, new thoughts to explore.

  Seeing Roan with Cayra was the impossible becoming possible.

  Cayra took pleasure in Roan, her body responding to him the way it did Jace. Even then, Jace wondered if her body was taking everything to the next level of arousal or if he imagined the differences. Did her muscles really clench tighter? Was she wetter from the combined touches of Jace and Roan than just Jace alone? Did she thrust harder and moan louder being caught between her husband and his lover?

  He wanted more.

  Jace wanted to see Roan on his knees, lapping Cayra dry while Jace took him from behind. He wanted to be inside Cayra with Roan, cocks side by side and losing their minds. All of the things they could do, finding themselves together; his wife feeling good and finding pleasure in the same man Jace loved. No hate, just love. Jealousy and guilt left at the door, upstaged by faith and understanding.

  Joy overwhelmed him, almost to tears. He could share with both what he loved about each of them, no choices necessary. Cayra and Roan could feel as equals, neither one less than the other.

  And it could start here, just as simple as this. Primal and sudden. God, I love you. Jace drove his fingers into Cayra.

  Cayra dug her nails into Jace's shoulders. "Jace!" She came again, pushing up and slamming against Roan's chest. "Fuck me," she told him, holding Roan's hands to her groin, her words barely coherent between sipped breaths. "Fuck me—fuck me."

  Roan tugged on her hips, and Cayra bent over again. Lost to shudders and whines, she dipped her face into the crook of Jace's neck and rocked with Jace, fast and hard. Behind her, Roan thrust deeper, his low moans frequent and weighted with desperation.

  Jace fondled Cayra's swollen sex above Roan's shaft. In flashes of caresses, his fingers darted between Cayra's clit and Roan's cock.

  "Jace!" Roan yelled then thrust hard and deep, his fists white as he pulled Cayra to him.

  Yes. Yes. This is what we want. What I want. This is—

  Cayra's body glided over his cock again and she mewled. Unable to hold back any longer, Jace shook and released, gasping for a good enough breath to sustain the ride through his ecstasy. He thought of nothing but her and Roan, their faces etched onto the darkness behind his eyes. Jace swept his fingertips through her wetness once more.

  Cayra wailed and sprung upwards, curling her arm around Roan. Their breaths were loud and out of synch.

  "Here, let me—" Roan said softly after several moments. He pulled out of Cayra then lay back on the end of the bed.

  Cayra mumbled as she rolled onto her back.

  "You okay over there?" Jace asked, touching Cayra's hand. "Either of you?"

  She flinched. "Fine. I think. I can't feel my legs. Does that count?"

  "Only if it goes away." Roan turned, his stare locking onto Jace's. What was that in his gaze? Lingering desire? Satisfaction? Amusement, even? Maybe it was everything mixed together, tied up in a lazy smile.

  Roan glanced at Cayra, his smile twisting into a smirk. "Got what you were after?"

  "I… think." Cayra shifted her body. "Ask me in the morning."

  "So soon?" Roan asked.

  Cayra lifted her head. "What?"


  Cayra sighed, blowing her bangs out of her eyes. "Jace?"

  "Yeah?" Jace answered.

  "We made a mess
." Cayra gestured weakly to the glistening patch on her stomach before waving at the bed.

  "I know. Trying not to think about it."

  "And how is that a problem?" Roan crawled towards them. Lowering his head, he licked Jace's cum from Cayra's stomach.

  Cayra whined, gripping Roan's hair. "You would, wouldn't you?"

  Another fiery ache gnawed at Jace's groin. Not again. He clutched Roan's moistened shoulder.

  "Haven't forgotten you," Roan said, climbing onto Jace's legs. His tongue swept up Jace's belly in long, broad strokes, cleaning the skin of its creamy veneer.

  Jace writhed under Roan's weight. "If you're not careful, we're going right back to it."

  "And I'm still trying to figure out how this is a bad plan." Roan's grin said almost everything. His hand stroking Cayra's breast said the rest. "When you get to it, let me know. In the meantime—"

  Roan's mouth closed over Jace's nipple, his teeth nipping the tip.

  Jace's mind went blank, a small price to pay for being at Roan's mercy. He'd give it all if it meant they'd never stop. First, they had to get through the morning after. The rest was in Cayra and Roan's hands.


  October, 2165 AD

  If she was right, their private little world could come crashing down.

  If she was wrong, she was broken.

  She needed to throw up again.

  Clutching her stomach, Cayra waited for the nausea to pass. It taunted her senses, wreaking havoc on her every thought. What she would give to get the acid taste out of her mouth. But even more, she wanted to taste food the way it was supposed to taste. Nothing was right.

  And if the universe's sense of humour held true, for better or worse, it wouldn't stop for another six months.

  It figures it'd be now. Of all the times. Of all the people. Cayra tightened her grasp around the empty water bucket, glimpsing the trees in the distance. In the October light, she could just make out the bright orange and yellow leaves among the richer reds and gold.